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Discover the Mountains

Photo: John Price @johnpricephotography

Get the best out of your visit and explore the mountains!

Learn about, connect with, and explore Canmore’s wild terrain and rich history. We’ll guide you back in time as you hear about first ascents, crazy adventurists, and how the surrounding mountains got their names. Take in a bird’s-eye view of Canmore as you hike along a ridge line and discover how beautiful this Valley truly is.
This hike, suitable for all ages, is the perfect half-day adventure. Located within the Bow Valley, the hike is 7km and 3-4 hours in length. The perfect activity to include on your vacation. Meet our guide at the trailhead within town limits, lace up your boots, and let the adventure begin!

Dates and Bookings

Adventure Dates:

Get in touch with us to book. 

What's App 1 (780) 722-2589.

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Adventure Rates:
  • Adults:

    CAD $85 + applicable taxes

  • Children ( 5 - 15 ):

    CAD $65 + applicable taxes

  • Children ( < 5 ):

Searching Availability...

Itinerary and Gear

Planned Itinerary

  • 9am or 1:30pm:

    Meet your awesome guide at the Cougar Creek Trailhead in Canmore, AB. The time will depend on the time slot you book. The trailhead is a short distance from downtown Canmore. You can get there by walking, taking the free local #5 bus and getting off at the Benchlands Trail at Elk Run stop, or driving at parking in the parking lot at the trailhead. Your guide will meet you next to the outhouse. Together, you and your guide will explore local trails using a map to find your way.
    Map to Trailhead     Roam Bus  

  • 12pm or 4:30pm:
    Arrive back at the trailhead. You can plan to be back at the trailhead within 3-4hours of starting the hike.


Level of Difficulty

This hike is suitable for all ages. The distance is 7km. Small children will need to be able to walk the entire distance or be carried by an amazing parent. The trail is hard packed and uneven with occasional sections with short hills. Good sturdy boots or shoes are needed to enjoy this trail.




  • Instruction from an ACMG Guide
  • If needed, a headlamp
  • Custom map showing the route of the adventure
  • Safety equipment: Bear Spray, Communication Device, First Aid Kit

Participants must provide:

  • Transportation to the trailhead